Dimensions: 16 x 12 Artist's Statement about this work: One of our favorite views of Florence is looking down from the hills above Piazzale Michelangelo. This spot, capturing the city at dusk between two olive trees, seemed especially timeless. Sale Price: $775.00
Esperando (Waiting, Hoping)
Jana Parkin
Email: janaparkin@gmail.com
Dimensions: 15 x 15 x 1 Artist's Statement about this work: A mariachi band is waiting outside a venue on Olvera Street in Los Angeles. The word Esperando in Spanish means both waiting and hoping. These band members seem to exemplify both meanings of the word. We lived in Los Angeles for nearly 20 years, and whenever we return, this is a people and place that represents much of what we love about Southern California: hard work, optimism, diversity, upbeat energy and more.
In addition to the culture and energy, what struck me when I took this photo was the bright colors of the woman's skirt and the angle of the white hat caught in the sunlight, as well as the deep shadows cast across them and the ground. Sale Price: $900.00
It'll Burn Off!
Jana Parkin
Email: janaparkin@gmail.com
Dimensions: 15 x 22 Artist's Statement about this work: I have spent many hours on the trails surrounding the San Gabriel Valley. We were hiking on the John Muir Trail above Sierra Madre, California, and the air was dense with a misty marine layer. Yet where we were standing the wildflowers were hit with the first rays of sunlight, richly glowing, reminding us that, like most Southern Californians say, "It will burn off", meaning the fog usually lifts by noon. I used some mineral pigments in this painting. I love their granulating and sometimes reflective properties. I feel that using pigments derived straight from the earth, many from the area they are depicting, adds an extra layer of authenticity to my work. Sale Price: $1320
Sideways Glance
Roxane Pfister
Email: roxanepf@gmail.com
Dimensions: 21 x 18 Artist's Statement about this work: Brazilian children walking along a path in the equatorial sun, glance back at their family. They are children of descendants of escaped slaves, living in isolation in an area known as the Kalunga, a colony dating back several centuries. Their ancestors escaped to this isolated area and staying hidden, created their own culture. These children face many challenges, but their future is much brighter today that that of their progenitors. I was fortunate to visit the Kalunga in July of 2019 and experience a little of their rich culture. Sale Price: 400
Roxane Pfister
Email: roxanepf@gmail.com
Dimensions: 10 x 12 Artist's Statement about this work: Mike, my son-in-law, is a handsome guy, a great father and husband, and a favorite watercolor subject. He is a stellar artist as well. Sale Price: 400
Second Chance Owl
Neena Plant
Email: nplant9@gmail.com
Dimensions: 22 x 19 Artist's Statement about this work: This barn owl was painted from a cell phone photograph of an injured owl being rehabilitated at Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation, located in Helper Utah, which is run by an old friend. His tail feathers were still in disarray when the photo was taken. Hopefully he's back to flight status by now. I love large birds of all kinds, so being able to tour the rehab facility and take pictures was exciting and the highlight of this past spring, and it is my hope that my depiction honors this majestic creature. Sale Price: 475
The Cable Drum
Carl Purcell
Email: studio@carlpurcell.com
Dimensions: 11 x 142 x 2 Artist's Statement about this work: Transparent watercolor done from a drawing which I did at the Eagle Bluebell mine in Eureka, UT Sale Price: 900.00
I Want to Stay in the Water!
Mary Pusey
Email: mary.pusey@comcast.net
Dimensions: 11 x 14 x 1 Artist's Statement about this work: My Harley group was at Hereto Head Beach watching people. I watched groups of families coming in from the waves.
The common thread was "I want to stay in the Water! Sale Price: 400
en plein air Painter
Mary Pusey
Email: mary.pusey@comcast.net
Dimensions: 21 x 15 x 1 Artist's Statement about this work: A friend and I were painting at Snowbird, UT one summer morning. I took photos of all around me, including my friend! Sale Price: 850
Wheels of Change
Alicia Schilder
Email: isa.schilder@outlook.com
Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 0.75 Artist's Statement about this work: This abstract has rectangles and circles in a spray of lost edges combined with firm edges. The light and airy feeling of the circles conveys the ethereal nature of change, while the firmly rooted rectangles suggest longing for stability. The tension between the two, change versus longing for stability describes living in our current world situation. Sale Price: 350.00
Fall Harvest
Dianne Siegfreid ( Sig)
Email: dsiegfreid@gmail.com
Dimensions: 12 x 9 x 1 Sale Price: 150.00
Barcelona Time Out
Dianne Siegfreid ( Sig)
Email: dsiegfreid@gmail.com
Dimensions: 14 x 10 x 1 Sale Price: 250.00
Clematis Design
Sandy Sleeper
Email: artisan1672@comcast.net
Dimensions: 16 x 12 Artist's Statement about this work: I see patterns in nature that become the basis of my paintings. Sale Price: 580.00
Autumn Bison
Sandy Sleeper
Email: artisan1672@comcast.net
Dimensions: 14.5 x 10.75 Sale Price: 625.00
Brianna Thaxton
Email: brannareyillustration@gmail.com
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 Sale Price: 525.00
Feelin' Blue
Emily Thomas
Email: ethomas0715@gmail.com
Dimensions: 13 x 18 Artist's Statement about this work: I saw this barn thru the morning mist during our trip of the Oregon Coast. It was kind of hidden away and had an eye catching blue roof. So much fun to paint. Sale Price: 800.00
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Emily Thomas
Email: ethomas0715@gmail.com
Dimensions: 13 x 17 Artist's Statement about this work: I spent tons of summers on my Aunt Alice's farm in Bern, Idaho. She is 92 now and my favorite uncle Leon has passed on. While on the farm, I moved pipe, fed the chickens, weeded the garden and had so much fun with my cousins. I was mostly unpaid labor (haha) Al and Leon owned a beautiful spread up there and raised cattle and grain. I visited my childhood haunt last summer and was overwhelmed with childhood memories and sadness that these days were over.. The entire farm is a painting waiting to happen but This sow and piglets were in the barn behind the house and I couldn't resist painting them first. Sale Price: 1200.00
Butterfly Lake
Tina M Vigos
Email: tinavigosstudios@hotmail.com
Dimensions: 43 x 33 x 2 Artist's Statement about this work: Butterfly Lake is located in the Uintah Mountains of northeastern Utah. It is one of our favorite places to camp, picnic, hike and fish. This is a view looking from our campsite north to the lake and forest. It is such a peaceful place with lily pads, deep forests, impossibly blue skies and lush meadows. I loved painting in all of the cast shadows that dominate a forest...made it very magical! Sale Price: 2000.00
Sacred Mother Earth
Tina M Vigos
Email: tinavigosstudios@hotmail.com
Dimensions: 45 x 35 x 2 Artist's Statement about this work: Sacred Mother Earth
Our Sacred Mother Earth
Sustains us, quenches our thirst and feeds our spirits
She shields and protects us
And provides for our every need
Knowing she is sacred and impossible to duplicate
May we all join together in gratitude
To protect her and to hold her dear
For our generation and all that follow
This watercolor painting is a combination of two images. One is well known – the magnificent Horseshoe Bend of the Grand Canyon. The other image is hidden in the stone and intensifies the meaning of the painting. Sale Price: 2000.00
Wave #2
Setsuko Yoshida
Email: setsukoyoshida853@gmail.com
Dimensions: 20 x 26 Artist's Statement about this work: I depicted the movement of wave in abstraction.
The ocean is a source of life and the deep sea contains so many lives.
The idea of these paintings came from my imagination about the sea.
I am particularly interested in depicting waves which have formless forms. Sale Price: $800.00